Welcome to the Password Boss Community!


Here at Password Boss, we value the importance of community interaction and feedback in order to make our product the best it can be. This starts with you, which is why we’re excited to announce the launch of the Password Boss Community!

This is a forum built to serve as a public space to ask questions, share feedback and submit ideas. Our number one goal is make your digital life the most secure it can be, and we think a lot of the ideas about how to best use and improve Password Boss will come from you, the consumer. You can use this page to get your questions answered, share ideas and feedback, solve problems and give back by helping others solve their problems too!

After you download and install Password Boss, feel free to leverage this page as your go-to resource. You’ll find specific sections to scroll through depending on your stage of use, from “Getting Started” to “Sharing” and more general “Account Information.” And as with any community, this resource will become more valuable the more you contribute to it, by both answering and asking questions—as some of your fellow Password Boss users could be wondering the same thing as you. This is a great place to share what you know, ask important questions and take the time to include specific details about the help you’re seeking so other users can guide you.

In addition to the Password Boss Community, feel free to check out our Support Center. Here, you’ll find specific step-by-step guides and tips from the Password Boss Product Team, which will serve as a valuable tool as you get started with your password manager and digital wallet. However, unlike the Password Boss Community, the Support Center does not maintain a “sharing” aspect, so feel free to head back over to the Community if you find something you want to discuss.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!